I came across your website on a whim, looking to see if Km were advertised anywhere. Actually, I began taking Matol Km when Dr. Karl Jurak was still alive. I found it interesting in your Q&A that you stated 3 months as the time period for taking the Km, unless I misunderstood.
You see, I took it for 11 YEARS, and should have never stopped; started back. I recommend for the beginning person to start off with a small amount for several days, because of possible toxins in the body that would cause a bad reaction and be unnecessarily discouraging. I had a customer to whom this happened, but slowing down for her gave her wonderful results. I am delighted to see this fantastic product is still helping many after all these years!!!
G McIntyre.
I used to take Km back in the mid to late 80’s and loved it. One of the benefits for me was the high energy level. I know the instructions are to take daily, but back then, I got so much energy that I had to scale back to 3 days a week.
Now I am more health conscious than ever. I walk daily for exercise and am currently transitioning to a healthy diet. I ordered Km this morning and I am so looking forward to my delivery. Based on the comments, I won’t be disappointed and I can look forward to the same benefits. Looking forward also to posting a customer review.
I thoroughly agree with your assessment. Km has been one of the supplements that I have been going back over and over, for over two decades.
My experience with the taste is similar, I don’t much care for it, however I found out that if you dilute it in just a small amount of water, it will actually become very mild and pleasant.
Try it, you will be surprised!!
I started Km about 8 years ago for a health supplement and was extremely satisfied. As time went on I realized that my pollen allergies to Oak and just about everything green growing were diminished. I used to get an allergy induced sinus infection every spring and fall now I just supplement on occasion during the worst of the allergy season.
My husband and I love Km and will continue to use. My husband has acid reflex and used Km daily to reduce his symptoms. He can really tell a difference if he misses even one day. The taste takes some getting used to but over time, we both admitted that we like it. I believe that the taste changes for you as your body becomes more alkaline and not acidic.
Hi Chris, just wanted to say many thanks for a speedy delivery. Items received all good and fine.
Kindest regards
“I just wanted to send you a quick note. After suffering for years with a few ailments, Matol km was recommended to me by a friend. In the beginning I was skeptical about it working. But after just 3 weeks of taking Matol km I can’t believe the improvements I am already feeling. I will recommend it to others and have! Thanks for helping improve my health. I am sure it will only get better.”
I had the liquid Matol Km tested for me by a kinesiologist who specialises in the NAET method – allergies and nutrition. I also took the capsules (Kaps) and those tested good.
My body absorbed 100% of the ingredients. I thought (that) was amazing, since when I took my spring water collected only the previous day straight from the hills, there was only 70% absorption and even that was considered good
The lady then tested the liquid and said it was good for me to take. I asked about long-term use. She said to take it for 6 months, and then have a break. So I have the two bottles of kaps and 4 bottles of the liquid. I won’t be needing any more Matol for 6 months or so now, but am glad I can happily reorder once I’m ready.
Dr J Lyndle, Essex, UK.
Hi there, just to say a BIG THANK YOU! I have received the items and all in good order. Many thanks and look forward to ordering more if I see good results.
Kind regards
T. Ballo UK.
Last winter I was in the U.K. I took a bottle of Matol Km and finished it when I was back in Canada.
Now I am back in the U.K. for a few weeks, I would like to let you know by the time I finished the bottle of matol, I noticed that I hardly had any sign of (my problem) any more, so I would definitely like some more. Good job guys.
Hello Matol!
I wanted to give you some feedback on Matol Km. I was surprised at not feeling good. I’ve always felt healthy and pretty optimistic. I didn’t know what the problem was so I had my hormones checked, my blood checked and a physical. Nothing turned up except for very low potassium levels. But my unease persisted. I had very little energy, more desire for alcohol and sugar, and feeling down that seemed unrelated to anything.
I started Km just about three weeks ago and within three days, I felt better and my (mood) lifted. I wasn’t sure that was related to Km so I stopped taking it for five days. I am going to keep taking Km. I am very pleased so far.
All the best, Micki
M. Clark, Parker, USA.